While trying to organize my thoughts, I came up with a few things to share:
*I made spaghetti and meatballs tonight and it turned out fabulous! Photos to come.
*I am officially wiped out. I got up early yesterday morning and have been working madly through my to-do list so that I can enjoy some family time at the end of the week. Good news: I got a lot done! Bad news: I think I might be borderline insane from having been at the computer all day. Isn't it like 72 hours without sleep and you are considered insane? I wonder if there is an equivalent for computer usage?
*When it becomes hard to find a sitter for the cat, it makes me wonder what we will do when we have kids! Big screen TV? For the weekend? KIDDING!! ::shifty eyes::
*I am really excited about a new pie I am going to make for our dinner on Thursday!! If it works, I'll share the recipe :)
*I have a newsletter! If you would like to join the list, you can
subscribe here. Thank you! I promise to make the monthly news colorful, if not a little interesting. :)
*If you are not on the
newsletter list, then you did not receive the below note. I mean every word of it. Seriously! Without you, what would I be?
Another person who is caught talking to themselves in cyberspace. You give my life meaning! And for that I am thankful.
*I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving! Do you have any food traditions? What? We always have kale cooked with bacon and oatmeal. It stinks up the house like nothing else for the 4 days beforehand as it simmers in the crockpot, but tastes OH! so yummy. Be well, Kaht
November is a peaceful, pretty time of year. The lush greenery of summer has faded to muted shades of nature, and clouds hover above us and speak of the coming winter—not a warning so much as a word of advice from a trusted friend. The seasons are changing, and the pace of life moves to a different rhythm.
We’re entering into the holiday season and are preparing to celebrate Thanksgiving. This time of year summons up many warm memories of gathering around the adult table (or being sequestered to the kids’ table) and enjoying a special meal surrounded by family and friends.
Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday! It’s marvelous to have a day set apart to be grateful for all we enjoy. My good fortune overwhelms me with gratitude, and I want you to know that you are included in my list of blessings. Your friendship and patronage has warmed my heart. I love to see my clients’ smiles and hear the laughter of a family posing for a portrait that will be cherished for decades. Touching the lives of friends and neighbors with my portraiture is a dream come true! Thank you.
I hope your Thanksgiving is filled with love, gratitude, laughter, and sweet moments shared with someone special. Beautiful memories to cherish forever!
Have a warm and wonderful Thanksgiving and a holiday season filled with goodness and joy. Thank you for letting me be a part of your life. I look forward to serving you in the coming year.
Warmest Regards,
A stray after thought:
**Chickens provide endless entertainment.
What are you looking at? Go find a turkey!