Tuesday, June 22, 2010

VPP Education Day

Oh, you know those days when you wake up early after having gone to bed a bit too late and it happens to be pouring outside with no end to the clouds in sight? And the tea doesn't steep well, the milk smells funny, and the bakery bakes your favorite muffin with walnuts, which you happen to be allergic too?

Well, I had one of those days a few weekends ago. The Vermont Professional Photographer's were scheduled to meet up in lovely (but rainy) St. Albans for a day of sessions and practicing technique. Now, I am a student for life. Always learning something new. Always jumping at every opportunity that might offer me a new trick, technique or good joke (Many of you know my jokes are kind of lame...). It was just hard to jump when everything seemed to be holding me in-between my cozy, warm covers.

And then it happened. I think singing loud in the car to one of my favorite bands, Railroad Earth, helped, but I started to come out of my early morning, crummy tea, killer muffin funk and feel excited to go learn! The real cream cheese icing to my yummy carrot cake was something totally unexpected. I saw a moose! On the side of the highway. I have NEVER seen a moose in Vermont. (In Alaska, yes. But they are like squirrels there! All over the place). Seeing my first Vermont moose made me really happy, which made me really excited to be heading up to meet my fellow photogs for a day of talking, photographing, and laughing.

Rain or not, it was going to be a good day.

And I am so glad I went! Mark Sweeney of Exposed with Mark set up the morning session. He arranged for some lovely couples to model for us for some mock engagement sessions. Andy Bishop led the session giving tips that he and Daria live by when working with couples. After a fabulous lunch (Chef Salad rules my world these days.) Wayne Tarr presented the afternoon session and showed us how he created his award winning dancer images. All in all, an amazing day. Thank you!!

So, enjoy a little sneak peek into what professional photographers call a good time. xo Kaht

Andy gives top secret tips and tricks...

Off to play! (In the rain.) Thank you Lucas for holding the umbrella or me!

These two are actually getting married in less than a month!

Another of our lovely couples. :)

Keeping cozy in between shoots!

Andy and Lucas hangin' loose!

Our dance models stretching before the shoot!

Wayne Tarr explaining how "the bag" is used. Streeetch!

My one decent capture from the dance sessions. Wayne, I leave this to you! It was a lot of fun though... :)

We had a nice space to work in at St Albans Bay Park. It was dry!

The group with the dancers!

A group jumping shot was vetoed, but this is pretty close and pretty silly :)

1 comment:

Orchard Cove Photography said...

Looks like it turned into a very fun day!