Monday, May 25, 2009

What a Modest Chick.

Oh the good old days. When I worked for money to go to the movies, ate any type of junk food without thinking about the calories, and wore clothing that covered little more than…well, what my teenage mind considered modest. This past weekend as I broke out my summer fancies, I did an overhaul of what I actually wear vs. what I wish I still wore. Truly my taste in clothing has changed from skimpy, slinky, ‘oooops, did I just flash skin?!’ to a more modest, elegant style. When did I grow up? I’m not complaining, but the humor has me smiling!

Devin offered his support and assistance with the overhaul. As he pulled one item out of the trunk, held it up and said, “A table scarf?” I sheepishly corrected him that it was definitely a skimpy shirt that I had worn on a fairly regular basis in high school. My mother let me leave the house like that? For school! Perhaps now it will look nicer as a table decoration.

As I sorted through skirts and dresses, I pulled one pretty little floral number out and tried it on. It was an Easter skirt I had made back in HS: an imitation of a runway piece by some designer I saw in Vogue. It looks fairly modest from a distance, but up close it is quite apparent there are sneaky peeks of skin on the sides. When I wore it to church on Easter Sunday, oh so many years ago, I can distinctly remember the looks of surprise on the church ladies faces. “Isn’t that…lovely dear.” Yes, I think this piece of fabric, along with the table scarf, are part of my fashion history.

It’s funny to think that I wore all of these revealing items to presumably attract the attention of boys, when all it took to woo the man of the dreams was a pair of jeans and a hooded sweatshirt. Huzzah!

Have a great day! And check out the newest additions to my family. 20 to be exact!

Last summer at a wedding in Manchester, VT, the Inn owner’s pet chicken walked down the aisle during the ceremony. It was the highlight of the night! Once my dad heard that story, he insisted that we must have chickens roaming at our wedding: to set the country bumpkin mood. I guess he figured with 20 that we might have a good chance of training one to be the ring bearer by September!

xoxo k

**NOTE** Dad wanted me to clarify that he got the chickens for eggs and that if they happened to walk down the aisle, it would be an added bonus!:)**

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